Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Diary of a Sad Cat Woman- Part 2

Kiasha's certainty of her son's future success began when she was eating fried chicken underneath the fluorescent overhead light of her mother's kitchen. Kiasha felt a strong vibration that shook her to the core. She assumed that it was only the bass from her mother's neighbors' music.

"You hear somethin'? Kiasha asked her mother, who had just walked into the kitchen.

"No honey, you hear somethin'?"  
"No, but I sho do feel somethin'."         
"You'se pregnant honey, it's probably nothin' but the kicks."
"No mama. I've felt the kicks but this is somethin' else. Somethin' stronger."               

Kiasha placed her delicate hands– adorned with three inch long fingernails– atop her stomach.

She felt her fetus spinning inside of her.


Replicating the dance moves she knew all too well.

After a lengthy inner battle with herself, Kiasha decided that what she was feeling was genuine.

Kiasha didn't bother to tell her mother or any other family members. She didn't even tell her best friend, Myneshiqua. Nobody was going to believe her incredulous claims, so why bother? She'd only make a fool of herself and lose the respect she'd acquired in the hood.

One person she knew that she had to tell was her husband. Even months before he learned that Kiasha was pregnant, he spoke of leaving her. Somehow she'd been keeping him around, but for how much longer? Her pregnancy was no motivation to him to stick around.

Possibly this news of their child's talent would inspire DeandrĂ© to stick around. On the other hand, it might just make him call Kiasha a crazy bitch and leave her even sooner. Unfortunately, it was the latter. 

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